Alex McAntee
Fight Name: Rooster
Date Began Martial Arts: 2010
Rest in Peace: 29.12.1997 - 12.06.2024
Alex McAntee was one of Black Dragon Kai's top Champion combat sports athletes. He competed representing Black Dragon Kai 144, achieving 49 knock outs, submissions and pins and 41 championship titles.
Alex competed in MMA, Knock Down Karate, Jiu Jitsu, and represented Australia in Freestyle Wrestling. He was also ranked in many martial arts styles and combat sports. He will forever be remembered as an important part of Black Dragon Kai that helped path the way to many of our current champions.
Martial Arts Ranks
- Black Armband - Muay Thai - Kru Yai
- Advanced 1st Degree Black Belt - Modern Martial Arts - Sempai
- 1st Degree Black Belt - MMA - Assistant Coach
- 1st Black Belt - Jissen Budo - Sempai
- Black Belt - Arnis/Escrima/Kali
- 1st Purple Black Belt - Brazillian Jiu Jitsu
- Orange Belt - SAW (Submission Arts Wrestling)
- Orange Belt - Kudo (Kudo Australia)
- Silver Kai
- Black Dragon Kai Competitor of the Year 2016
- Black Dragon Kai Up & Coming Combat Athlete 2015
- Beaudesert Black Dragon Kai Student of the Year 2015
- 125+ Combat Matches Patch
- Ace of Clubs, Diamonds & Hearts - BDK Fighting Ace
Competed in...
- Freestyle Wrestling
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Full Contact Karate
- Kudo
INTERNATIONAL represented, trained or coached for Australia
- Canada
NATIONAL represented, trained or coached for Queensland
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Australian Capital Territory
- Down Under Australia vs USA - International Wrestling Champion
- Australian Wrestling Champion
- Australia Cup Wrestling Champion
- Canberra Cup Wrestling Champion
- 2 x Pan Pacific Champion
- 5 x South Pacific Champion
- 2 x Queensland Champion
- 5 x South East Queensland Champion
- 3 x Central Queensland Champion
- 2 x Brisbane Champion
- 3 x Gold Coast Champion
- Sunshine Coast Champion
- Melbourne Champion
KUDO (Japanese MMA)
- 5 x Australian National Kudo Champion
- 3 x Queensland State Kudo Champion
- 3 x Queensland Open Kudo Champion
- 2 x South East Queensland Kudo Champion