Ayla Briscoe

Date Began Martial Arts: 2016

Ayla Briscoe is the Lead Instructor for the Kids Classes at Molendinar. She holds multiple ranks in many different styles of martial arts, and loves to pass this knowledge on to her students.

Ayla is also a rising star combat athlete in Black Dragon Kai. She has competed in multiple combat sports and currently holding titles in Muay Thai, Jissen Budo and Freestyle Wrestling.

Martial Arts Ranks

  • 4th Degree Black Belt - Jissen Budo - Sensei
  • 3rd Khan - Muay Thai - Kru (Trainer)
  • Advanced 2nd Degree Black Belt - Modern Martial Arts - Kyosei
  • 1st Degree Black Belt - Arnis/Escrima/Kali
  • Black Belt - Freestyle Taekwondo
  • Black Belt - MMA 
  • Purple Belt - Brazillian Jiu Jitsu 
  • Orange Belt - Kosen Judo (Kosen Judo International)



  • Practicing Solicitor
  • Senior First Aid Certificate
  • Working with Children - Blue Card



  • Silver Kai
  • Black Dragon Kai Supporter of the Year 2022
  • Black Dragon Kai Wrestling Student of the Year 2023
  • Nerang Black Dragon Kai Outstanding Attendance 2017
  • Nerang Black Dragon Kai Martial Arts Student of the Year 2019
  • Nerang Black Dragon Kai Most Improved Award 2020
  • Molendinar Black Dragon Kai Outstanding Attendance 2021
  • Molendinar Black Dragon Kai Student of the Year 2022
  • Molendinar Black Dragon Kai Outstanding Attendance 2023
  • Molendinar Black Dragon Kai MMA Student of the Year 2023
  • 10+ Combat Matches Patch



Competed in...

  • Freestyle Wrestling
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • Muay Thai
  • Jissen Budo
  • MMA
  • Koshiki
  • Submission Arts Wrestling


NATIONAL represented, trained or coached for Queensland

  • New South Wales
  • Victoria




  • Wrestling Super Series Champion
  • Queensland Interclub Meet Champion



  • WKBF Queensland Light Atomweight Champion



  • JBI Australian Lightweight Champion


Instructor at...
